Selling Homes That Need TLC

Let’s face it. Some homes are simply past their prime and are far from having great curb appeal let alone an updated kitchen and inspection worthy electrical.

Before listing your home on the open market you need to get it ready for a great first impression that will snag the right buyer. This means putting money towards giving your home a facelift before hiring a real estate agent to sell it.

A fresh coat of paint may not even begin to make your home buyer ready, but what if you didn’t have to do any sprucing up at all? Real estate investors are looking for properties just like yours and you don’t have to put a penny towards the coveted great first impression.

How Investors Save You Time and Money

  1. Curb Appeal: Real estate agents suggest spending time and money getting a home “Wow!” ready for when the buyers pull up. This means trimming the shrubs, painting, cutting the grass, adding flowers and so on. These are great improvements to make if your home is going on the open market, but investors aren’t scared off by an “as-is” property.
  2. Staging: Investors aren’t looking to be wooed by how nicely their family antiques will fit in the living room and how well the wall colors complement the floors. They’re looking for a property with good bones and lots of potential. While a typical home buyer wants a property that’s in live-in ready condition, investors are imagining knocking down a wall here, putting a new window there and gutting the 80s style bathroom.
  3. Realtor Fees: Say goodbye to realtor fees! Realtor fees range from 6%-10% and are split between the buyer’s agent and the seller’s agent. Some investors work one-on-one with sellers to get them what they want for their home without the added expense of a realtor. This saves you a nice chunk of change at the point of sale.

You don’t need to put on a perfect presentation. Your home is appealing to investors as-is!